
Install Floyd CLI

Quick Look

Using conda:

$ conda install -y -c conda-forge -c floydhub floyd-cli

Using pip:

$ pip install -U floyd-cli

Floyd CLI (floyd-cli) is a Python-based command line tool to interact with FloydHub from your terminal.

floyd-cli is available on pypi and anaconda.org and runs on Python 2.7, Python 3.5, and Python 3.6. floyd-cli works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Using conda:

$ conda install -y -c conda-forge -c floydhub floyd-cli

Using pip:

$ pip install -U floyd-cli

Use pip3 if you only want to install the CLI for Python 3:

$ pip3 install -U floyd-cli

After installation you can view the commands supported by the CLI using the --help option.

$ floyd --help
Usage: floyd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Floyd CLI interacts with Floyd server and executes your commands. More
  help is available under each command listed below.


Detailed documentation for the floyd commands is available in the documentation.

Having trouble?

If you had troubles with the above installation, consider using virtualenv to install floyd-cli. This solves most users' installation issues. We've detailed the process below.

Using virtualenv to Install floyd-cli

If you aren't familiar with virtualenv, you can think of it as a way to create totally fresh environments in which you can have a clean copy of Python and install only the packages you need for working on a certain task or project. You can turn these environments on and off as you need to use them. This is useful because it helps you avoid issues that arise when you need more than one version of the same package on your computer. If you'd like more information on virtualenv, check out its user guide or this introductory tutorial

We highly recommend using virtualenv for installing and using floyd-cli. Because it helps avoid any library version conflicts, it results in a smoother installation process. Using virtualenv solves most users' installation issues.

Step-by-step Process of Installing floyd-cli with virtualenv

Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of how to install floyd-cli using virtualenv. First let's use pip to install virtualenv:

$ sudo pip install virtualenv

Create a virtualenv using the virtualenv command. You need to pass a path where your environment will be located. This is both where all the information about your virtualenv will be stored, as well as all of your virtualenv's packages. Below, we use ~/floyd as the path:

$ virtualenv ~/floyd
This will create a clean environment (a virtualenv) called floyd (named after the folder we specified when we created the virtualenv).

You can now activate and start using the virtualenv by running:

$ source ~/floyd/bin/activate
When you want to use this virtualenv, you'll need to activate it using the same source ~/floyd/bin/activate command. Each new terminal session will require you to activate the virtualenv. To turn off the virtualenv, you can either exit your terminal session, or enter the deactivate command into your terminal.

After activating the virtualenv stored at ~/floyd, your terminal prompt should change to have (floyd) prepended to it. This serves as a reminder that you have the floyd virtualenv turned on. Since our virtualenv is new, it doesn't have any packages installed in it yet. Let's install floyd-cli:

(floyd) $ pip install -U floyd-cli


You are now ready to use the floyd commands. Check out our Quick Start tutorial to get started using FloydHub and floyd-cli.


You need to activate your virtualenv using the source ~/floyd/bin/activate command above each time you open a new terminal and want to use floyd-cli in it.

Having trouble installing the CLI?

See the list of FAQs related to installation.

Help make this document better

This guide, as well as the rest of our docs, are open-source and available on GitHub. We welcome your contributions.